Mount Yasur, Vanuatu, July 2016 [image: A.C. Austin]
Mount Yasur, Vanuatu, July 2016 [image: A.C. Austin]
Karymsky, July 2012 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Infrasound array deployment at Popocatépetl, September 2017 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Mount Yasur, Vanuatu, July 2016 [image: D. Fee]
Sakurajima during the IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, July 2013 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Lava tube skylight vent on Pu`u O`o, Hawaii, discovered with infrasound, July 2007 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Karymsky, July 2012 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Seismic deployment at Yasur, Vanuatu, July 2016 [image: D. Fee]
Mount Yasur, Vanuatu, July 2016 [image: A.C. Austin]
Popocatépetl, September 2017 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Infrasound deployment at Yasur, Vanuatu, July 2016 [image: A.C. Austin]
Sakurajima IAVCEI volcano acoustics workshop, July 2013 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Halema`uma`u Crater, Kilauea, July 2015 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Karymsky, July 2012 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Skylight vent, Kilauea [image: R.S. Matoza]
Popocatépetl, September 2017 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Sakurajima IAVCEI volcano acoustics workshop, July 2013 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Karymsky, July 2012 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Sunrise at Pu`u O`o [image: R.S. Matoza]
Mount St. Helens [image: R.S. Matoza]
Lava breakout, Kilauea [image: R.S. Matoza]
Infrasound array installation, Mount Adams, July 2017 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Infrasound array installation, Mount Adams, July 2017 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Mount St. Helens during the IRIS Workshop, June 2016 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Popocatépetl, September 2017 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Popocatépetl, August 2018 [image: R.S. Matoza]
Popocatépetl, August 2018 [image: R.S. Matoza]
UCSB campus [image: T. Mastres]
Robin S. Matoza
Department of Earth Science
Webb Hall MC 9630
UC Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106