
Some animations and data visualizations are available on YouTube.

(1) High-precision earthquake catalog for the Island of Hawai'i 1986-2018

A comprehensive relocated earthquake catalog (275,009 relocated events of 347,445 starting catalog) for the Island of Hawai'i from 1986 to 2018, as described in this reference, can be downloaded here. This is a copy of the files available in the supporting information of the paper. Animations of the seismicity (high-resolution original versions of supporting information movies) are available here. A previous version of the catalog from 1992 to 2009 (101,390 relocated, 130,902 starting), as described in this reference, can be downloaded here.

(2) Long-period seismicity beneath Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, from 1986 to 2009

A catalog of long-period (LP) seismicity beneath Kilauea, as described in this reference, can be downloaded here. This is a copy of the files available in the supporting information of the paper. The LP event locations in this catalog may be considered more reliable than for the same events appearing in the catalog for all of Hawaii Island (see above).


The IMS_VASC code combines infrasound signal association and source location using a brute-force, grid-search, cross-bearings approach as descibed in this reference and can be downloaded here. Here is a movie [QuickTime .mov] and caption illustrating the procedure applied to the June 2009 eruption of Sarychev Peak, Kuriles. This is a copy of the files available in the supporting information of the paper.

(4) Coherent ambient infrasound curves

Coherent infrasound curves for the International Monitoring System, as described in this reference, can be downloaded here.

(5) Volcanic jet noise movies

Movies of sped-up volcanic jet noise infrasound, as described in this reference, are available at the links below. These files are also available in the supporting information of the paper.

[QuickTime .mov] 8 March 2005 Mount St. Helens eruption sped-up x200
[QuickTime .mov] 14-15 July 2006 Tungurahua eruption sped-up x600
[QuickTime .mov] 16-17 August 2006 Tungurahua eruption sped-up x600
[QuickTime .mov] 6 February 2008 Tungurahua eruption sped-up x600